Monday, July 28, 2008

Simon's Cat

I can soooo relate to this...LOL

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Marina Lombardi

For the absolute longest time I've been scribbling notes on how I would like to incorporate a new look for clay and wire and how I would like to show a wire form with clay as the filling. Well, wouldn't you know, somebody already did it...and they are doing it absolutely beautifully.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Blogs of Interest

I've added a new list to my blog on the right hand side. I call it Blogs of Interest. These are blogs that I visit frequently because there are soooo many talented artists out there and I just love seeing all the great stuff they are creating.

Take a look. Enjoy...and happy claying

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Fairy Houses

I love whimsical and fantasy. It keeps my inner child alive as well as my outer child...LOL Today I came across a wonderful artist who builds fairy houses from natural elements. These are the most amazing and his technique is almost simplistic.

Who is this wonderful artist? John Crawford. This marvelous man has been traveling a wonderful artistic path which includes puppetry, magical creatures, dinosaurs, muppets?, and so much more. And, of course, fairy houses.

Take a look around his website and let your imagination go...even for just a little while.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Bruno Torfs

I was cruising around this morning, checking other blogs, when I was blown away by a post at my friends site Needle and Clay. TeaRose, a very talented lady herself, was blogging about Bruno Torfs and his amazing sculptures. Needless to say I had to share and spread the word myself.

Bruno,who was born in South America and now resides in Australia, has a magnificent sculpture garden. He is a terracotta sculpturer, among many of his talents, who decided to create a garden and open it up to the public. He started with about fifteen life size sculptures which have grown to over a hundred and he still adds to the collection.

After viewing some of his works on a flicker site, I was ready to jump on a plane and move in...LOL Barring cost and timing I'll just have to view them on the web but I'd like to share that with you too! Take the tour!!

There is also a wonderful slide show on Flickr you'll enjoy.